Robin with Flutter

Add Messaging to Your Flutter App

Add chat functionality to your Flutter app — customize Robin UI to match your app’s theme. Take advantage of the Robin API and deploy messaging solutions in very little time.


The following are required to get your chat app up and running:

  1. API Key - Learn about how to get your API Keys in Setting up your Robin account

  2. Current user’s RUT and Name - Robin User Token is a Unique Identifier of every user in your Robin App.

  3. All users to be included in your chat app.

Install the Flutter SDK

flutter pub add robin_flutter

Creating the current user

You need to create a RobinCurrentUser instance of the currently logged-in user, mostly for identification. This is specific to the Flutter SDK.

RobinCurrentUser currentUser = RobinCurrentUser(
  robinToken: 'YOUR_ROBIN_USER_TOKEN',
  fullName: 'YOUR_USERNAME',

For more information about connecting your app users to Robin, see Adding Users to Your Robin App

Mount Robin and Start Messaging

You can mount Robin easily in your app by creating an instance of Robin.

import 'package:robin_flutter/robin_flutter.dart';

  apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
  getUsers: [],
  currentUser: currentUser,
  keys: keys,

Want to customize Robin to match your app’s theme, check out Customizing Robin for your Brand

Last updated