
Robin for Messaging with Python

Add live messaging to your Python applications with the Core Python SDK. Take advantage of the Robin API and deploy messaging solutions in very little time.


The following python packages are required to use the SDK:

  1. API Key - Learn about how to get your API Keys in Setting up your Robin account

Install the Python SDK

## pip
pip3 install

Sending your first message

Follow the step-by-step instructions below to send your first message using the Python SDK

Step 1: Create a Robin Instance

To create a Robin instance, pass the apiKey as the first argument, and the optional tls argument as the second in the Robin(apiKey, tls) constructor.

robin = Robin("YOUR_API_KEY", True)

Initializing the Chat SDK at the top of your Python file is recommended.

Step 2: Connect to Robin Server

You can connect to the Robin server using the connect(user_token) method from the Robin instance. If you do not have a Robin User Token (user_token), you would have to create one. What is the Robin User Token (RUT)?(specific link to create user token) is a good place to start.


Step 3: Create a Conversation

Before sending a message, you need to create a Conversation

response = robin.create_conversation(sender_token="SENDER_RUT", sender_name="SENDER_NAME", receiver_token="RECEIVER_RUT", receiver_name="RECEIVER_NAME")

Step 4: Send a message to Conversation

Now, you can send a message to a conversation with the robin.send_conversation_message() method.

robin.send_conversation_message(msg={}, channel="CHANNEL_ID", conversation_id="CONVERSATION_ID", sender_token="SENDER_TOKEN")

Last updated

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